Server will be restarting in about 5 minutes. ETA about 15 minutes. Thank you!

"Warriors! The Ritual Site locations and the Weaver Cave that were cleansed in recent days, have regained their former strength... We ask for your bravery once again. My great warriors, please hear me! Vanquish these vile creatures! Do not allow them to encroach on our lands!"

Ritual Site 1:

Ritual Site 2:

Ritual Site 3:

Weaver Cave:

~Sir Jeffrey the Justiciar of Britain

It's been a bumpy ride, no question about it. Thank you all for bearing with us during this time. Today, we broke another record for number of players online, as more and more folks jump on board with our little project.

With that being said, we absolutely have some growing pains to deal with, and you're seeing evidence of that right now with little annoyances like the occasional crash, disconnects when teleporting and the like. We do have a plan in place to address all of this, however we want to be transparent with you and let you know that this will likely take us well into the coming week before we potentially fix the underlying issues and we're able to achieve better stability.

Rest assured though, we firmly believe it's just a matter of time before we have this sorted and we are working overtime to get these challenges resolved. In as much as we can of course, as we all have families, lives and jobs - this is a hobby for us after all!.

Thanks for bearing with us, it's been an amazing ride so far. We look forward to more to come, and can't wait to get past these initial stability challenges, turn on some more systems (treasure hunting and housing are next off the list) and create more content for you all!

-- The Team

Town NPC Changes

  • Bowyers will now sell Bows, Siege Bows, and Heavy Siege Bows.
  • Bowyers will now buy bows from players.
  • Minoc now has an Armorsmith at the Forgery, a Bowyer at Warriors' Battle Gear, and a new Jeweler Shop named Gorgeous Gems.

Dungeon Despise is now available for again for your spelunking pleasure.

Today on Memorial Day, we honor and remember all those who made the ultimate sacrifice for us. We are eternally grateful and forever indebted!

Last chance to sign up for the pvp tournament! Signup closes at 4:00 AM UTC on the 28th (about 6 hours from this posting).

After the window has closed, all enrolled players will be added to a special event channel for prelims and a bracket will be generated randomly.

The following changes are now live on the Test Center:

  • Lumberjacking has been refreshed to be more in alignment with UO

  • Successful harvests will produce up to 20 logs per swing

  • Trees now have a maximum amount of wood that can be harvested

  • Harvest bonuses removed and Prospector's Tool disabled for now, needs redesigned

  • Kindling/apples removed from normal lumberjacking routine

  • Can now use blade to cut trees to gather kindling

  • Can chop trees in town, but resources are halved

The server is temporarily offline due to an outage with the hosting provider. It was unexpected to have any downtime associated with this maintenance, but something has come up unexpectedly, so we appreciate your patience. We are monitoring the situation and will alert you as soon as the server is coming back online, or we know something further. <3

In addition to our website and forums being updated in preparation for our big day on June 20th, our wiki has also been migrated and revitalised. Head on over to:

to check it out. Don't forget you can search it directly from Discord - just type "!wiki searchterm". If you're interested in contributing to the wiki, please sign up using your Discord account, then hit up the #wiki-contributors channel in Discord and message the bot with "!wikicontributor"

Huge thanks to community member Beekel, who helped with forklifting a lot of the content over, in addition to creating new content AND writing the new bot for us. Much appreciated!

The Britain Sewers are now open. This is a young-only dungeon, and designed to be quite simple to survive and skill up in for new players.

The maintenance is complete, nice and early. Why are you reading this?! Go play!

We're going to need to do an additional restart in about 20 minutes so that we can try to help some players who are unable to login. No downtime expected. Thank you for your patience as we try to get everyone in game again!

We will remain offline during our next maintenance window (9am UTC Friday 3rd September) while we complete migration to one of our host's alternative data centers. During this time, all of our services will be unavailable.

This is due to our current datacentre experiencing some ongoing issues which are intermittently affecting our services. Rather than wait for them to be resolved by our host, we will instead work around the issues by moving to a different physical location/datacentre within their network.

Rather than provide an estimate, we'll update you on the progress of the change via Discord during the migration window. Thanks, as always, for your patience.

  • Fixed an issue causing non young players being warned about losing their young status.
  • Rare loot table adjustments.
  • Barding pets will no longer offer skill gains however the effects will still work.
  • Ratmen and Lizardmen may now be skinned for hides.
  • Updated crafting window Repair button to show how to make a repair deed
  • CAPTCHA improvements
  • Fixed issue with some characters being unable to log in if they were previously unable to complete the transition from Celador
  • Fixed issue with trees being "too far away" in North Minoc area
  • Logging out in a dungeon will result in being teleported to Limbo when logging back in, if logging in 20+ minutes after logging out
  • Marking runes is now possible inside Dungeons on Levels 1 except for Despise being able to mark on Levels 2 & 3
  • The following actions are prevented around the nearby areas surrounding dungeon entrances, both interior and exterior:
    • gaining skills
    • marking runes
    • casting field spells
    • dropping objects

We are beginning to restore services and will be back online shortly. Thank you for bearing with us. We have extra elements in play now to mitigate any further attacks.

We expect a small rollback as we come back online. These are inevitable in these types of scenarios due to the state of world saves and must be done to ensure integrity of our data.

As always, we appreciate your patience.

We'll be doing a quick restart in about 30 minutes for maintenance. No downtime is expected.

The Auto Stack or Stack All option(s) was removed before the Britannia launch, but some people still had it enabled after the transition, even though the option was removed.

This feature has caused several client\graphical glitches in the past for people as items are moved around or consumed very quickly. The feature has been disabled in favor of preventing multiple stacks from accumulating in the first place.

Please let us know if you run into a scenario where multiple stacks of similar items are being added to your backpack when you wouldn't expect them to, and we will work to optimize any remaining cases.

Fixed a bug where players could rename recall runes which were not in their own backpacks.